The day i was born was August 24, 2008, and I was born in the Idaho falls hospital, but I was little devil back then, i didn't care about anyone else but myself, i go into fights and I just didnt care. Then, i growm a bit I was braver then a lot of little kids you would see, and I just grown to become a menace. Presentnow during the present, I change for the better, and worst. I became more friendly and kind, but I became more of a chicken, but i didn't hate it much because I had my friends online who cared and liked what I played.Then highschool came I started to see more stuff that i needed to be brave about, and so i began to look forward to the future. futureI believe in the future I will be ireland, living with my lads having a heck of a fun time, living in the land that I always wanted to be in.Then I will might make a family, or be alone I don't mind either, as long as i get to be home with what I love then i can die a happy man.